Tips for a 4.0- This is Your Semester

Well future doctors, it’s that time again!  Winter break has come and gone, and now we are in a new year!  Regardless of your gpa last semester (1.0 or 4.0), we’re all starting over for the new semester.  This semester you CAN get a 4.0!  It’s time to shine!  Sure, getting a 4.0 sounds wonderful, but it’s easier said than done.  Nonetheless, it’s possible!  Here are 5 tips to help you do it!

  1. Write Down Your Goal. Perhaps the most important thing pertaining to achievement is you must have something which you want to achieve.  If you don’t set any goals, then you will never accomplish any goals.  As a premedical student, your goal every semester should be to get a 4.0.  Yes, EVERY semester, you should aim for a 4.0.  Even if you made a 1.0 last semester, this is the semester that you can get a 4.0.  Try this out.  print out a large sign that says “4.0” and staple (or tape or hang) it above your bed, on your mirror, or your door.  Just put it in a place that you HAVE to see it every day before leaving.  Hold yourself accountable so there’s no escaping it!  The simple act of writing down the goal will make it real to you!
  2. Write down your Plan. Having a goal will only take you so far.  Telling yourself that you want a 4.0 has a nice ring to it, but means nothing without a strategy to achieve it. There are many ways to strategize a 4.0, but a few things you should address include: Who will you study with? When will you go to your professors’ office hours?  Which classes will you get a tutor for?  What strategies did students in before you use to do well in these classes?
  3. Socialize with the right people. Last week’s blog on “Friends” hits the nail on the head.  The people you are surrounded by will impact your level of success.  If you want to make a 4.0, hang out with people who make 4.0s.  This is not to say that you should get rid of your other friends, but rather, you should also have friends who excel in the areas of your interests.
  4. Pre-Read. Do your best this semester to have always looked over the material BEFORE class.  You do not necessarily have to master the topic, but you should never enter a lecture without pre-reading (or pre-skimming) the topic of discussion.
  5. Sit in the front of the class. This might be the easiest thing you can do which will provide the largest impact on your grade.  A simple change in your seat can make all the difference.  By sitting in front, you become more engaged in your own learning.  All the distractions from looking at people on their cell phones will immediately go away and the only thing you can look at is your professor and his or her slides.  Sit in front!

When it’s all said and done, if you want a 4.0, you’re going to have to work for it!  Tell you friends and family that you’ll be a little more busy this semester because it’s game time.  It’s challenging, but every good things requires sacrifice.  This is your semester!


Image Credit Pixabay

Alex Trullet

Well written. I love the ending e very good things requires sasacrifice.This is your semester. Well said!

7 years ago