The word, “believe”, is magical and powerful. Say it with confidence and internalize the word. In psychology, belief is defined as what you deem to be true. With the exception of being delusional, believing in something– in your abilities, in your actions, in your statements, and in your stance– changes your perspective positively.
Believing means internalizing that the impossible is possible. Imagine countless stories of patients who have been told that they have less than two months to live or that they would never be able to speak fluently after a procedure. Such patients are those who refuse to let those predicted uncertainties suppress their strong will of belief. Their positive outcomes and mind-boggling stories are, in part, as a result of believing.
Believing means being in the dark and choosing to be the light. We have certainly all being in a negative environment, surrounded by pessimistic friends, or placed in a glass ceiling house (this is your limit, remain within it). These situations hamper our ability to think clearly, create self-doubt, reduce our vision and productivity and most importantly, stomps on our ability to believe. Simply, step back, take a deep breath, say with affirmation that this is what you want, this is what you will do, and this is the impact you plan to make. Then, insert I believe in all of those statements and internalize them. I guarantee you that you will become unstoppable. Sometimes, it could seem like the negativities are pushing you further down the scale. But with constant renewal of your beliefs in your abilities and in your goals, you will eventually create your path, illuminated with light and filled with like-minded positive individuals who are willing to help you on your journey.
Believing means elimination of doubts and uncertainties. This is a bit difficult because there are healthy doubts protects us and ensures good decision-making. However, when doubts become prevalent, it leads to learned helplessness and low self-efficacy. This impedes one’s growth mentally and emotionally. The fact that you doubt passing the MCAT or getting accepted into medical school does not mean that you should BELIEVE that you will not pass the MCAT or get accepted into medical school. See the difference? The gap that lies between those two statements is your volition, your tenacity, your work ethic, your dedication, and your internalization of your goals. I second guess myself every single time. I remember telling my mentor that I doubt that I am going to pass this physics class and he replied I believe you are going to pass it. That single word resonated with me and I started putting in more effort to realize his statement. As they say, “you want it, GO for it.” Discard every itty-bitty doubt that does not align with what you believe you can do and Enrich your mind with thoughts that sprout your beliefs. You always have to believe because that is the one thing that would keep you on your journey to reach your goals and that would provide you with the strength to realize your dreams.
I believe that we would all get that great GPA, attain that high score on the MCAT, excel at that medical school interview, receive those medical school acceptance letters, get that residency of our choice, and become the best and exemplary physicians we deserve to be. It all starts with believing….
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Keep on believing Aishat! It’ll be reality before you know it!
7 years ago