Being More Than a Premedical Student

Does this sound familiar?

     Other Person- “Hey [insert your name here], tell me about yourself.”

     You- Oh, I’m a premed.

Why is it that we identify ourselves by what we do rather than who we are? We think we are our jobs. But what happens when you lose your job? How many men and women go into great depression for this exact reason. For the premedical student, this situation is just as dangerous. In 15+ years of mentoring premeds, I’ve witness many with this exact issue. This, “premed or bust” mentality can be extremely dangerous for multiple reasons, and I don’t believe it’s the right way to go about becoming a doctor.

I really enjoyed Payton’s podcast episode this week (check it out HERE). In it, she discussed the pressure of being a premedical student. I remember feeling the same way during my premed years. Always stressing to make sure you get all the premed checkboxes completed. You have to do this, and you have to do that. For many of you, what makes it even worse is that your friends and family have no idea what it takes to earn that white coat so you’re often going at it alone.

I’m going to propose something radical to you. It’s probably not what you’d expect to hear from a guy like me who focuses on getting students into medical school. Are you ready for it???? Here it goes…. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A DOCTOR TO BE HAPPY! I know, that just completely blew your mind. Take a moment and breathe, you’ll be okay. If you can achieve your life mission without being a doctor, then I think it’s reasonable you do just that! As an example, check out

There’s a difference between a person’s work and his or her job. A job is what you do to make a living. That’s what pays the bills. My job is to be a medical doctor. Work on the other hand focuses on an individual’s purpose and life mission. It’s why you’re here on the planet. My work is to glorify God by helping others live to their God given potential. As simple as that may sound, it took me a very long time to learn that about myself. My job as a doctor is one way which I accomplish my work. When considering my identity, it is linked to my work, NOT my job.

I encourage you to focus more on your life’s work rather than the job you desire. I focus much more on how I can help people enhance their performance and use their God given gifts than I do on the practice of medicine. As a doctor, the reason I want you to be healthy is so you can achieve what you’re here to achieve. So my mission is to help you accomplish your mission. One way I can do that is by medically treating you, but I’m not limited to that.

So here is my suggestion to you, and I believe that if you can embrace this, you’ll be much happier along your premed journey. Don’t fall into the trap of being just a premed. Step outside of that box and do everything you can to decipher your life’s work and then figure out how to make that happen. If being a doctor is a critical piece of the puzzle, it’ll make your life as a premed much easier. In the end, you won’t simply be a premedical student, you’ll be a leader with a mission, who also happens to be premed.  Keep this in mind as you progress Your life’s work is what will make you happy, not simply being a doctor.  There’s a huge difference. 

Does this resonate with you? Have you found yourself linking your identity to a future in medicine? Do you think this is a good or bad thing? I’d love to hear your thoughts.