Super Star Blogs!

2019 Was Great…But 2020 Will be Better!

How was your 2019?  Will 2020 be better?

As 2019 comes to an end, I’m encouraged when I reflect on all the amazing things God brought this year. Certainly, we’ve all had our challenges, but I’m a firm believer that as each year ends, the best thing we can do is take a moment and appreciate the blessings it came with.

2019 brought great success to a few of our organizations. continues to grow and we are constantly witnessing more and more of you gain admission to medical school. This year, we’ve added a mentoring center that has been connecting premeds with doctors and medical students. The feedback we’ve gotten regarding mentoring has been awesome and we’re excited to see the impact it has on our students’ lives.

I want you all to know that we’re listening and hearing you loud and clear. Perhaps the number one request we received was to bring back the Diverse Medicine app. So…we’re bringing it back. New and improved! We want to make it easier for you to connect with recruiters. We want to make it easier for you to connect with mentors. We want it to be easier for you to connect with each other. Our goal is to meet your needs so you can be successful on your journey.

Black Men In White Coats took the nation by storm in 2019! One summit turned into a real movement! We were blessed to take our message on the Today Show, Forbes, Sirius XM, and more! What’s even cooler is that 2020 promises bigger and better outcomes. We’re going to have summits in Dallas, Chicago, New York, and more. What this means is that more of our youth will be exposed to the field of medicine and in turn be provided with more opportunities in life. That’s why we do this!

So, as we exit 2019 and move into 2020…we want you to know that we’re here for you! We’ll keep working hard to help you reach your dreams!

I’ll end this post with the question I began with.  I’d love to hear your answers.  How was your 2019? Will 2020 be better?

Congratulations to Magaly! Student of the Week!

1. Tell us about yourself. I, Magaly Cabrera-Ortiz, am the proud daughter of naturalized citizens from El Salvador and Peru. Aside from my parents, I have two brothers and am the middle child. When I am not studying, I can be found working out at the gym or actively involved with sports including soccer (intramural, women, and coed team), lacrosse, boxing, cross country, etc. I used to swim, do gymnastics, and play the piano. I can still play the violin as I have played from preschool to high school/early college. I enjoy being outdoors and spending quality time with my family and dog. I have been volunteering at Inova Fairfax Hospital since senior year of high school from the gift shops, patient support services, to pediatrics (current). I am a translator and am also responsible for medical intake at the Arlington Free Clinic. I enjoy mentoring younger students with college preparation and navigating being a pre-professional health student. I work on an occasional basis as a babysitter or nanny, pet sitter, and do side jobs with my brother (lawn mowing, snow shoveling, yard work, etc). Aside from being self-employed, this is my second year at a high school where I work with high school students in developing college and life skills through AVID (Advanced Via Individual Determination) program.

While I am currently attending George Mason University, my journey began at James Madison University. As a transfer student, I have had the opportunity to expand my horizons, interact with different students, and seek different opportunities. Chemistry has been a challenging subject for me. At my first institution, I remember how frustrated I would get because I would put the time in to do the homework, understand the information, and attend lectures and review sessions. Through each frustration, I would call home and remember the countless times I was about to give up being pre-med and switch majors. However, I am thankful for a strong family support system, having volunteered at the hospital, and meeting mentors. Through my family and mentors, they continued encouraging and believing in me when I could not. Through volunteering at the hospital and travelling to the homeland of my parents, I found the motivation with why I want to become a doctor. These factors are what I remind myself with if I am ever questioning my decision to help me refocus.

At my current institution (GMU), I am majoring in Community Health with a concentration in Clinical Science (Pre-Med). I am excited to be staying an extra year as I am currently working on math pre-requisites to apply for a Bioengineering minor. This allows me the opportunity to take math classes with my younger brother. I am the president of Patriots for Health Assistance, an on-campus organization, and organize volunteer opportunities for students to better understand the healthcare disparities in the communities. One of our most successful events is making birthing kits for the women and midwives of Haiti for safer births.

I have participated the Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) at Rutgers and conducted research at the University of Arizona through the Border Latino & American Indian Summer Exposure to Research (BLAISER).

2. Who was your favorite teacher in school and how did he or she impact you? In high school, my favorite teacher and mentor has been Michael Jeffry. He was my teacher for Baby Bio and AP Bio. When he attended JMU, he was on the pre-med track before deciding to become a teacher. Since I had him my 9th grade year, I was able to interact with Mr. Jeffry on a regular basis and he also knew that I wanted to become a doctor. However, in AP Biology, I wasn’t doing well on exams. I scored poorly because I would let me test anxiety become and obstacle. Through staying after school, Mr. Jeffry helped me learn testing strategies and really encouraged me that regardless of an 18% or whatever score on an exam, I was not a number. He really impacted my mentality that helps me in college. In addition, not only did he believe in me, I felt like he cared about my education. If I had questions on suggestions on the courses to take next semester or how to do well in college chemistry, he has always been there still to this day. Individuals that impact you are the ones to always remember of.

3. When did you first decide you wanted to become a doctor and why? In my early childhood, I would answer to individuals saying I wanted to become a doctor. However, I do not remember a specific moment in my life that has propelled me in my decision and desire to become a physician. Rather, I believe it has been a couple of events together. One of the initial events was the passing of my grandfather in El Salvador. Due to the distance from the ranch to medical care, my family and I relied on the services from the Red Cross in helping my grandfather. After taking him to the hospital, it still was not understood what was causing his alignment and he passed away back on our ranch with agony. Still not knowing why he was in so much pain drove me to want to attempt in finding answers. Additionally, I noticed healthcare disparities and differences in access to quality care in El Salvador compared to the United States.

It is through my own community that I have noticed the high need of bilingual physicians. I want my patients to feel comfortable talking to me and not have their words lost through a translation. Through cultural competency, I want to become that physician that they trust with in hopes of it improving their access to care and reducing language and cultural barriers. Therefore, I enjoy volunteering in the hospital and at the Arlington Free Clinic because I can ensure that their voices are being heard and hope to directly impact the community in the future.

As a close-knit family, I would always accompany my mother and brother to their appointments and vice versa. Through interactions with physicians, they would break down the information. I would always be curious and play with the bone model set of the knee, spine, or ankle at the orthopedic or chiropractic office. Last semester, I had the opportunity to shadow a specialty that I found of my interest. These different experiences affirm my decision in wanting to become a doctor that provides to the underserved communities, connects with her patients and community, and potentially become an Orthopedic Surgeon (Sports Medicine).

4. What area of medicine are you interested in? Orthopedic Surgeon (Sports Medicine). I have shadowed several specialties and I thoroughly enjoyed shadowing in this field from being in the OR to the office. As an athlete, I understand how the body moves and the mechanisms of knee, shoulder movement, etc. This field allowed me to interact with a diverse population and when dealing with athletes, I understood the sense of urgency in helping them recover so that they can return to performing at their level. I also enjoyed this specialty because I was better able to understand the decisions of physicians when it came to bones and surgery because I had my own injury (shoulder dislocation and ligamentous laxity) and my mother had a broken finger and arthritis. I was better able to understand the rationale of physicians and see injuries I have not heard of before and realized that it’s more than just seeing patients with a finger or just foot injuries.

5. What’s the coolest experience you’ve had so far on your premedical journey? I think one of the coolest experiences so far has been putting myself out of my comfort zone when applying to summer programs. I have been born and raised on the east coast. However, this past summer, I came across a research opportunity at the University of Arizona. Before this program, I had never been in this state and was able to experience the “dry heat” Arizona is known for. I believe this summer program has been one of the coolest experiences because part of the program consisted of only Arizona specific opportunities, I would have not had the chance to do elsewhere. I had the opportunity to partake and assist with a door to door survey in Nogales, Arizona. Most importantly, I was able to visit a tribal reservation, learn about health and customs, and learn about the culture. While in Arizona, other memorable events included travelling with classmates to go hiking and seeing lizards crawling around Arizona.

I found a great mentor that I had the opportunity to shadow before his retirement. Through Dr. Samuel Hawken, I was able to witness a total knee replacement and the procedure in which they only replace the cushion between the already replaced knee. Being in the office, I was able to see and learn about injuries I had not known about such as a Listanc fractures and its history.

6. What is your favorite book? The PACT because of how the young boys overcame adversity and become who the doctors they are today.

Cracker! The Best Dog in Vietnam because of how it the book had a dog and allowed me to appreciate the military and further my interest in wanting to be part of the military.

Code Talker because of how it allowed me to expand my cultural competency and appreciation for the Navajo.

7. Tell us one thing interesting about you that most people don’t know.

-Broke clavicle as a baby through birth. Am double jointed.

-Want to be pursue medicine through HPSP or transition into the military for the air force or army.

-I was placed in ESOL classes in second grade despite being born and raised in Fairfax, since I learned Spanish first.

-My long-term goals are to build up enough mileage and run a marathon.

-My bucket list includes travelling, sky diving, skiing, and jet skiing.

-My dog, Thumper, is my best friend/brother.

-On my grandparents’ ranch in El Salvador, I have milked and herded the cows. I have fed the pigs. I have used long bamboo sticks to whack my mangos down from the trees.

-Even though I stopped doing gymnastics since I was in 5th/6th grade, I can still do a round off backhand spring (Summer 2019).

-My middle name is “Lucero” and means shining star.

-I know how to drive a manual car.

8. If you couldn’t be a doctor, what would you want to do? I still have trouble with this answer since I could come up with multiple answers. First, I believe I could potentially be a good physical therapist due to my background in sports. Another option could be becoming a biomedical engineer. I enjoy the team aspect and problem solving. I found this interest through take an introduction to bioengineering course where during the semester, it was my group and I’s task to make a prosthetic hand. Our final design included wood, fishing wire, garden glove, and string. Through any path option I take, I would want to ensure I find a way to continue tutoring or mentoring students. This is something I have been doing and it is amazing being part their journey in helping them understand information.

9. What has been your biggest obstacle as a premed and how did you (or are you) overcome it? As mentioned in my introduction, the biggest obstacle as a pre-med has been the journey itself. In chemistry courses, my grades are not the best reflection of the time I spend studying or of who I am as a person or prospective medical school applicant. This is a big obstacle more of in the long run when I apply to medical schools. I have been overcoming the mindset of “not being strong enough of an applicant” by remembering that I am more than a test score, grade, or being a cookie cutter applicant. I overcome this mentality by having goals that are specific to myself and learning along the process. I continue remaining positive. I also continue finding mentors, individuals, and opportunities that interest me and help me become who I am meant to become.

10. What do you like most about Diverse Medicine? I am fortunate to have across Diverse Medicine as I received a flyer about the Pre-Med talks while at SHPEP. I enjoy how engaging the platform is with real people and how willing people are to help each other or share their perspective. Thank you to Dr. Dale and to others! The webinars also assist me with gaining greater knowledge that I might not already be aware of such as medical schools, scribing, etc. 

Saying Goodbye

Last night I said my final goodbye to a beloved patient.

I’ve had my fair share of loss of family members, close friends, and patients but somehow this was a bit different. This was a sweet 86-year-old woman with a lovely daughter who was always present by her side diligently taking notes. The patient was one of the first to welcome myself and my (at the time) fiancé to their small town. She told me about her years working at the local Catholic school where her children and grandchildren attended. She was excited for me when I got married and was ecstatic hearing that my wife became a teacher at that little Catholic school she spoke so highly of. She showed up when we moved our clinic across the street from our ancient 1950’s building into a brand-new building.

As I walked into the hospital and made my way towards the elevator, I began to feel unprepared. What would I say to her family? How would I console her crying daughter. What prolific last words do you leave with a patient crossing over to the other side? Maybe she had already passed.

I walked into a dark room seeing my patient fast asleep with her daughter by her side. She was under hospice care with comfort measures in place. The patient had suspected metastatic esophageal carcinoma and elected not to undergo surgery. Solid foods were discontinued 4 days ago, intermittent confusion was setting in and now it was only a matter of time. She was in the active phase of dying. 

Her daughter saw me and immediately embraced me. She proceeded to tell me how well her mother was taking things. It’s almost like she bypassed the whole Kubler-Ross grief cycle. The patient had made her rounds seeing all of her children and grandchildren. As her condition deteriorated, she decided to spend her final days in the hospital so she wouldn’t burden her loved ones. “She is ready to go Dr. Daniel”, her daughter said. “Mother has been singing songs and laughing with us. She has planned her whole funeral and even picked out the songs we will sing. She’s going on her own terms and even told the Chaplain this morning she was ready to meet Jesus.”

I held tears back as her daughter explained to me how fond the patient was of me. She wagged her fingers and warned me that her mother would hush anyone who cried in her presence and demanded they step outside. This was a sobering experience. In any other world, our paths would have never crossed. I am a young African American male, city boy and she is an elderly Caucasian woman of a different generation who grew up in a small town. It’s kind of cool when barriers like this are broken. 

Medicine allows us to intimately know other human beings. To be by their side from cradle to the grave. Medicine exalts humanity and has the ability to unify. It is interesting to see one’s soul before leaving this world. They can’t take anything with them but they can leave a lasting impression and a legacy. I learned no matter how many times you say goodbye you can never prepare yourself to say that final one.

I told her daughter it was a great privilege caring for her mother over the past few years. I held my patient’s hand and told her I hope to see her again in heaven one day.

May she rest in perfect peace.

More Than a Doctor…I’m a Filmmaker!

Since the day I decided to become a medical doctor, I knew that the field of medicine would not limit me. Too often, we’re told to practice medicine and do nothing else. We’re not encouraged to dream big. Well, I reject that! I’m more than a doctor.

Yesterday I began a long-awaited project. For years, I’ve dreamt of directing/producing a feature length documentary. Well, that dream is finally coming to fruition. We officially began the filming of Rise Up! The Story of Black Men In White Coats.

In 2013, when I heard that the number of black men applying to medical school was decreasing, I knew I had to do something about it. The only idea I had was to make a short video and post it on YouTube. I got my brother, Dr. Daniel, and a medical student buddy, and asked them to join me in the video. That was the start of it all.

Six years later, we’re filming a feature length documentary. It’s been tough road to get here, but it’s so worth it. I’m very happy we didn’t listen to those people trying to put us in boxes. Now I can say that I’m more than a doctor…I’m also a film director!

Congratulations to Nicole! Student of the Week!

1. Tell us about yourself. My name is Nicole, and I am 25 years old. I studied operations research and financial engineering at Princeton University. I am currently working on my masters in biostatistics from Brown University and will be graduating in June 2020. I am also a dual Dominican-American citizen and whatever specialty I end up choosing, I intend to focus on providing high quality care to the underserved, Spanish-speaking, immigrant population. 

2. Who was your favorite teacher in school and how did he or she impact you? My favorite teacher in high school was Mr. Winchester. He was my math teacher at the small arts school I attended, and I loved how engaging of a lecturer he was. He would utilize SAT vocabulary words in his math classes to help prepare us for the SAT and would exude so much passion and joy in everything he did. I greatly appreciated how he integrated both English and math in his class, and he instilled a great sense of respect in us all by having a very clear structure and order to his class. He is definitely unforgettable and inculcated in me a love of math and language. In addition, he was a phenomenal tap dancer!

3. When did you first decide you wanted to become a doctor and why? It became clear to me that I wanted to become a doctor when I was doing a fellowship at an education non-profit in the Dominican Republic. I realized that being of service was something deeply meaningful to me to the point where I could no longer envision myself in a data analyst role as was previously planned. Although I would not choose to work in the education world permanently, I saw firsthand the need many communities have for medical professionals, and as I got to know families and referred them to other nonprofits, I wished that I could be of direct service to them instead of a liason. My interest was reaffirmed as I did volunteer work in hospitals and clinics when I started my masters degree at Brown. I started by interpreting at Rhode Island Hospital, Hasbro Children’s Hospital, and Clínica Esperanza. I had the privilege to engage with a variety of providers and people, and I felt immense joy to be able to be of direct service to people. I enjoyed the hospital environment, the new cases each day, and most importantly, I enjoyed connecting with the patients I met. I currently work at Rhode Island Free Clinic as both a scribe and an interpreter, and I like being of service to low income, minority communities in particular. Looking back on my path from arts school to engineering to future doctor, I can’t say that I am surprised although from an outsider’s perspective my route may seem quite indirect. As a child I would read about Ben Carson, watch Discovery Health, and read the National Geographic books on the brain and body. It makes sense that I would eventually want to become a doctor even though that idea wasn’t fully fleshed out in my head during undergrad. 

4. What area of medicine are you interested in?I am open-minded about my specialty. I have seen so many in action, but I think I want my focus to either be on primary care or on making the typically inaccessible accessible. For me this could be choosing dermatology to treat common skin conditions that are often left untreated in populations that largely don’t have insurance or plastic surgery to then focus on providing reconstruction for patients who may not be able to afford it. 

5. What’s the coolest experience you’ve had so far on your premedical journey? By far the coolest experience I have had is interpreting at the hospital. I had the privilege to work with so many different doctors across many different specialties from cardiology to psychiatry to ENT to oncology. This has given me the opportunity to learn what the day-to-day life is like for doctors of different specialties and to get a general sense of the profession as a whole. In addition, I have been able to interact with and meet many different people from all walks of life, and it has been very humbling to hear their stories and to be of service to some truly incredible people. 

6. What is your favorite book? The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz is by far my favorite book. This book had an impact on me as I reflect on what mental health means to communities of color and what surviving sexual assault means as a woman of color. This book touched on some very deep topics that I think are critical as we think about how we can better support the people in our communities. In addition, the author Junot Diaz is Dominican and it felt great to be able to read the book in Spanish with typical Dominican slang and to feel like the Dominican community has a voice in contemporary literature. 7. Tell us one thing interesting about you that most people don’t know.I went to an arts school where I played violin. I like to do ballet. I like to boil ginger root and cinnamon to make tea. I tutor on a sliding scale so that people of all communities have access to academic support. 

8. If you couldn’t be a doctor, what would you want to do?I would probably be an interpreter! I would definitely stay in a hospital environment. I need to be in a field that is fast moving, service oriented, and where I interact with people. 

9. What has been your biggest obstacle as a premed and how did you (or are you) overcome it? My biggest obstacle has been navigating college as a first generation, low income student. I came to Princeton from an arts school and jumped into engineering, which was very different from my highschool experience. I was far from home and really struggled getting my footing in a world that seemed so foreign to me. This feeling continues as I follow the pre-med track since I don’t know any doctors or anybody that can provide advice in navigating the application process. However, comparing how I’m approaching the medical school application process to how I approached Princeton, I can see how much I’ve grown. I’m less hesitant to reach out, and the mistakes I made in undergrad were valuable teaching moments for how to handle the unknown. 

10. What do you like most about Diverse Medicine?I like the representation it gives. It is wonderful to see doctors of color out there and to know I’m not alone in going through this process. In addition, Diverse Medicine provides a community where you can get relevant advice and guidance, which is invaluable as the application process is grueling and unforgiving. The platform provides a built in support network for those who might not have one, and I think the role it provides is crucial to support more future doctors of color on their journey. 

Who is your Squad?

Who is in your corner? Your circle? Your round? Your squad?

Too many premeds and med students try to go at this all on their own. Year after year, I hear stories from students struggling in school and now trying to find a way to improve their chances at getting into medical school or residency. I personally don’t believe you are ever too late to fix a problem but I just wish more students would seek help from the get-go. A solid way of doing this is by having a mentor, adviser and YOUR SQUAD.

As I discussed in a previous blog, you are 95% more likely to accomplish a goal if you have accountability partners and meet with that person/people periodically to strategize. I don’t think you get that! I said… you are 95% more likely to accomplish a goal! This is where your squad comes in. There are two well-known squads I think have set great examples for URMs while tackling the medical journey. Let me share a little about them.

The Three Doctors

Many of you are familiar with their story from reading their books (The Pact) or watching their film. These 3 brothers come from my birthplace, Dirty Jersey (Newark, NJ). Dr. George Jenkins, Dr. Rameck Hunt, and Dr. Sampson Davis all grew up poor and fatherless. They met in high school and formed a pact with one another that they would all push each other through school all the way to becoming doctors. Their counselor at Seton Hall, Carla Dickson was very instrumental in their journey. She helped solidify the trio’s pact knowing that if one gave up, the other two would likely follow suit. These men have served as role models for so many, letting them know you can make it out of any situation but they exemplify the importance of forming a squad and solid mentorship.

The Pulse of Perseverance

Dr. Max Madhere, Dr. Pierre Johnson and Dr. Joe Semien are another trio with a remarkable story that also may never have come to fruition without the formation of their squad. They showed true perseverance by overcoming extremely tough childhood obstacles before meeting up at Xavier University as premeds. This is where the brotherhood formed. They pushed each other through classes and MCAT struggles, making sure that no man was left behind. That is solid! They now inspire many students by breaking down stereotypes, providing scholarships and speaking. For those of you in the Chicago area, look out for our 2020 Black Men in White Coats Youth Summit where Dr. Pierre Johnson will join us to share his story.

So, who should be in your squad? Ideally, two or three peers who are highly motivated, supportive, trustworthy, serious, students who can and will push you. You should all get along and be able to relate to one another. Jealousy should be rooted out immediately and you should be able to share true feelings with one another. It’s an “all for one” mentality; so even when one has “made it” they’ll be the biggest cheerleader for their partners lagging behind. Every woman or man brings their unique traits to the table. You’ve got to be real with each other and if one isn’t pulling their weight or constantly bringing the team down you may have to eventually cut them loose before the plane crashes. If you feel it would help, you may even give your squad a name, logo, or wrist band to remind you of your team’s goal.

I hope you are all inspired by these two squads. Please share any other squads you know of.

So, who is your squad?  


Dr. Daniel is a practicing Endocrinologist, mentor and blogger at

Congratulations to Ragul!  Student of the Week!

1. Tell us about yourself. Hello! I’m a senior at the University of Arkansas majoring in Biology. I came to Arkansas as a child and have been here ever since! I like to binge watch Netflix, go to different coffee ships and go hiking often!

2. Who was your favorite teacher in school and how did he or she impact you? My favorite teacher has to be my Bioethics professor Warren Herold. Professor Herold had the unusual rule of no phones and/or laptops out. That meant the 30 of us present were forced to listen to him, and honestly I ‘m so glad he did. Professor Herold taught bioethics in a way that was broadly applicable but very nuanced at the same time.

3. When did you first decide you wanted to become a doctor and why? As a child, it was apparent to me the privileged life I lived as I visited my grandparents in their rural village in India. Every day I played with kids who came from mud and thatched houses. Kids my age worked in the farm and others went to the city as child laborers to support their family. One day, one of my friends didn’t meet me at the cricket field like we’d planned. On inquiry, we found out that he was bedridden with a fever and his parents couldn’t afford a doctor. There was no health center in the village. Hearing this, my parents and I rushed over. I saw them lay him down in the back of the mud house. Noticing his body shaking uncontrollably, my parents gave him some Tylenol to bring his fever down. Of course, as a child, I didn’t understand how the Tylenol brought the fever down but that instantly sparked my interest in medicine.

4. What area of medicine are you interested in? I want to be a primary care physician after medical school. Every trip to India, my grandfather would take me to his doctor friend that ran a primary health care clinic in a nearby rural town. It was that doctor who taught me how to use a stethoscope, allowed me to watch his diagnosis of patients and explained to me the art of medical practice. Watching the pain and suffering of children in rural villages and interaction with my grandpa’s doctor friend ignited my passion to be in medicine and to serve those communities that are underprivileged and underrepresented.


5. What’s the coolest experience you’ve had so far on your premedical journey? My coolest experience in my pre-medical journey is definitely being able to 3-D print different objects! I currently with the Cardiovascular Biomechanics Lab on campus, and very frequently do I have to use SolidWorks and MATLAB to help design the equipment needed. So being able to design something and then just click a button to make it was so cool!


6. What is your favorite book? I’m a total geek so I don’t have just one favorite book, but I have to go cliché and say the Harry Potter series.


7. Tell us one thing interesting about you that most people don’t know. I was actually a “priest-in training” at one point in my life! I attended a religious and service oriented boarding school in India, and one time I was approached asking if I wanted to enter finish that program. Unfortunately, a year later I moved back to the U.S., but it was still an amazing spiritual experience.

8. If you couldn’t be a doctor, what would you want to do?

Definitely somewhere in the public health field. I was very involved in policy debate throughout high school and college and working the public health topic showed me the many gaps within the state’s and nation’s healthcare system. Being in public health would allow me to be a part of the change and allow me an inside perspective into the failures and success of public health policy.

9. What has been your biggest obstacle as a premed and how did you (or are you) overcome it?

My biggest obstacle has honestly been myself. Being a pre-medical student is very hard and being surrounded by other pre-medical students who are doing so much better than you is even harder. There were many times I thought someone had to be super smart and perfect to be a “Pre-Med”, but I couldn’t have been farther from the truth. It’s my senior year now, and as I’ve been applying to medical schools, I’ve talked to so many other applicants who’re in similar situations. Everyone sees the perfect, ideal self they could be and that puts a lot of emotional and mental pressure on students. The only thing you can do is to calm yourself down, focus on the things that need to be done and find an amazing support group. For me it’s my best friends I’ve known in high school and in college. Without their support and my self-realization that I’m not in this alone, I wouldn’t have been able to handle the life of pre-med student.

10. What do you like most about Diverse Medicine?

I like Diverse Medicine because it’s actually one of a kind. I don’t know of any other site or organization online that is actively there to support pre-medical students. Like literally students are able to connect with different MD’s, PhD’s and various students all over the country to share their experiences and get advice from people who know the actual process very well.

Take a Break and be Thankful

The world of medical education is competitive. No matter how much we try to shape a collaborative environment, from day 1 of the premed journey, we’re taught to compete to be the best. Get the highest grades, highest MCAT score, most shadowing, most publications….When you stop and think about it, that’s a pretty tough environment to be in. Today, on Thanksgiving 2019, I’d like to encourage all of us to take moment to be thankful.

I’m thankful for a lot of things, but today, I want to let you know how thankful I am for the community. You all have been a distant family to me for many years. I’ve watched so many of you start off as premeds, move into medical school, and now some are preparing to start residency. There are few things in life that bring me greater joy than watching your success.

Today, take a break. Step away from the hostile/competitive medical environment and simply say thank you.

What are you thankful for this year?

Congratulations to Bolaji! Student of the Week!

1. Tell us about yourself. I’m a senior at Ohio University, majoring in Biological Sciences. In my free time I love to read, work-out and try new food. My main extracurriculars are my volunteer positions with a food bank/soup kitchen and hospice care. Due to growing up in similar conditions, I plan to serve underserved and disadvantaged communities as a physician, so volunteering in such settings is important to me. I am currently on the road to becoming the first physician in my family.

2. Who was your favorite teacher in school and how did he or she impact you?  My favorite teacher was my high school sophomore English teacher, Mrs. Repko. Her confidence in me as a student and as a person, allowed me to be more confident as well. She taught me how to articulate and defend my positions and she always said, “When I see you, I see a leader. I can’t wait until you see the same in yourself.”

3. When did you first decide you wanted to become a doctor and why?Like many other pre-med students, diseases and illnesses experienced by myself and my family members highlighted the impact of medicine on our daily lives. More specifically, my father’s rare disorder piqued my interest in the field of medicine. As a middle-school student, I researched my father’s condition, and was fascinated by the intricacies of the human body that I had been introduced to; The newfound fascination coupled with my desire to improve the lives of others, especially through their health, showed me that medicine would be my career of choice.

4. What area of medicine are you interested in?  I am interested in specializing in pediatrics, family medicine, or psychiatry. These specialties are know for having significant continuity of care so the long-term relationship cultivated with each patient is why these three specialties resonate with me.

5. What’s the coolest experience you’ve had so far on your premedical journey?  The coolest experience I’ve had so far was working in a psychology research lab on a study that involved experiments with human participants (IRB approved of course). Working in a research setting that involved people was much different, and in my opinion, more rewarding, than the science bench research that other pre-meds around me have described. As a physician, I expect to regularly speak with patients and recognize medical issues, which is similar to the experimental exercises that I’ve done with research participants.

6. What is your favorite book? My favorite book is Graceling. I love fantasy and dystopian genres, and this book is definitely the best that I’ve ever read.

7. Tell us one thing interesting about you that most people don’t know. One interesting thing about me that most people don’t know is that I am bilingual; I speak English and Yoruba, a West African language.

8. If you couldn’t be a doctor, what would you want to do?  If I could not be a doctor, I would probably be a teacher. I enjoy the sharing of knowledge and assisting others in their understanding of topics.

9. What has been your biggest obstacle as a premed and how did you (or are you) overcome it?  My biggest obstacle as a pre-med has been with experiencing imposter syndrome. Attending a PWI, and not seeing many people who looked like me on a similar path to medical school, made me question my abilities and sense of belonging. To combat these feelings, I searched for and found African-American mentors, who are in various stages of medical training. Their presence, advice and encouragement have made a world of a difference.

10. What do you like most about Diverse Medicine?  The community feel of Diverse Medicine is my favorite aspect of the website. Every user willingly uplifts another and offers advice for the betterment of fellow users. It is a positive space that explores our journeys as pre-meds and prepares us for what lies ahead.

Day in the Life of an Endocrinologist

Endocrinology is the branch of medicine focused on managing hormonal imbalances and disorders. This includes conditions such as diabetes and metabolic disorders, thyroid disorders, adrenal disorders, gonadal disorders, pituitary disease and bone disorders. Our training consists of 4 years of medical school, 3 years of internal medicine (residency) and 2-3 years of an endocrinology fellowship.

I chose Endocrinology as my subspecialty because I consider it to be a practical field with a relatively good lifestyle. With the epidemic of diabetes and obesity (especially in the African American community), I wanted the opportunity to make an impact. I’ve always been intrigued by very mysterious diseases which once solved can often be attenuated by balancing ones hormones. I’d like you to follow me as I show you a typical day for me.

Rise and shine. I typically wake up at 6:30am to start my day. A few times a month I travel to a satellite clinic which is quite a distance so I’m up by 5:30am on those days.


Got to start the day right. I typically get in a 20-30 minute work-out at home. Morning exercise has a ton of benefits like boosting energy, lowering blood pressure, burning fat, building muscle, preventing diseases.

All done as the sun rises. Let’s get this day started!

Breakfast of champs. I pretty much eat a bowl steel-cut oatmeal and drink my full glass of water every morning while I chat with the wifey. 

Kissed the wife and baby and I’m off to work.

I practice primarily in a smaller blue-collar, town (population 30,000) with median household average below the national. The population is predominantly Hispanic.  I serve as the only Endocrinologist in this town and neighboring cities covering an area of 100 miles.

Pulling into my beautiful clinic. We have a total of 4 medical doctors (primary care and pain management) and 3 advance practice providers (nurse practitioners). Our neighbors next door are surgeons, primary care, and neurology. Most of us (including myself) are employed by the hospital in town.

My first patient is scheduled for 8:30am. I typically see anywhere from 16-25 patients a day.

Long morning. I saw a good mix of cases from diabetes, thyroid cancer, low testosterone and a pituitary tumor. What’s for lunch? I typically rush to the hospital cafeteria or pack my lunch and eat while I work on my clinic notes. 

I have to clear my head after the long morning. I typically go for a 15 minute walk before clinic resumes at 1pm.

Done for the day (sort of). I typically still have some notes and tasks I will still need to complete at home. really need to tidy this place up. I’ll need to share a pretty mysterious case I encountered with you very soon. Stay tuned! 

And… I’m out! Technically, I’m on call 24/7 for my patients and the local hospitals but it is very unusual to get an emergency Endocrine case. Occasionally, I will have a patient I need to visit at the local hospital.

My beautiful drive home.

By far the best part of my day! 

Thanks for following me today. Feel free to message me or ask any questions if you are interested in learning more about the field of Endocrinology. 


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